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Telecom.IT: Smart phone sales in Romania will grow by 50% this year

Smart phone sales in Romania will reach this year 1.5 million terminals, on the rise by 50% compared to 2012, according to estimates made by Sorin Manea, head of telecom division of Samsung Electronics Romania.“This year I expect at least 1.5 million smart phones to be sold in Romania. Last year 1 million phones were sold, while 600,000-650,000 were sold two years ago and under 200,000 three years ago”, said Manea present at the conference “Largest players in economy”, organized by “Ziarul Financiar”.


“When the market grows Samsung grows too. In the third quarter of the year we will sell over 50% more smart phones than feature phones. Although they are expensive, customers consider they are worth it,” Manea added. Recently, a Yahoo official declared in Bucharest that the smart phones’ penetration degree in Romania had reached 17% compared to 63% in Europe. At world level, smart phone sales went up by 43% in the first quarter, reaching 210 million units, according to Gartner data.

