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Trade: Eurocommerce: the authorities should not intervene through quotas on the shelves

The Romanian authorities should not intervene by imposing a quota of products on the shelves, and the restriction of the opening hours would be a step backwards for the consumers, stated on Tuesday the general manager of Eurocommerce, Christian Verschueren.

‘It is good to offer to the consumers Romanian products, but it is even better to let the matter be settled by the market’ Veschueren said, at a conference MEDIAFAX Talks about Retail.

The retailers buy local products in other countries as well at the pressure of the consumers but they are decisions which come from the private environment, said the head of Eurocommerce giving as an example France and Swizerland.

The senate approved, recently a legislative proposal which included the obligation of the retailers to acquire products from the category of meat, vegetables and fruit in proportion at least 51% from the short food chain, meaning the Romanian production.

A similar legislation was promoted in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

‘It is something we condemn and we complained at the Commission. We don’t believe that this is something positive’ said the Eurocommerce representative, structure which represents the European companies in the domain of commerce.

At the same time, he showed that the issue is if a country which imposes such a law has the capacity to deliver the necessary quantity of products and quality.
