Tourism: Germany ranks second in Romanian tourists’ preferences
Germany ranks second among preferences of Romanian tourists in Europe. It has become an important holiday destination in the Romanian market, according to the German Travel Organization DZT, present in Romania.
At the same time in 2013 Germany recorded 637,882 night accommodations of Romanian tourists and visitors, on the rise by 14.6% against 2012. Moreover, in the last 6 years (2008-2013) there was a 72.4% increase of Romanian visitors’ overnight accommodations. Hungary ranks first for the traffic of Romanian citizens abroad, while Bulgaria is third.
The Romanians spent on the average 558 euro for travel, 15% less than in 2013 and 65 euro for their holidays in Germany, according to DZT.The areas Romanians prefer are Bayern, Baden-Wurttemberg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Berlin. The cities they prefer are Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt.
Most Romanians, 40% choose Germany for holidays, 31% to visit friends and families and 29% for business. 56% of Romanians prefer circuits throughout the country, 20% visit cities and 10% want seek relaxations near water sources.
According to the marketing and sales manager of the organization Germany for Tourism, Cristian Sallai, Germany recorded last year the fourth year in a row for overnight accommodation of foreigners – over 70 million people.
Germany has 38 buildings from UNSECO patrimony and celebrates this year 25 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
DZT is the national German “travel association” set up as a public-private partnership based in Frankfurt and has 30 representative offices in various countries. DZT develops and supports strategies and products to enlarge the image of travel destinations abroad and to promote tourism in Germany.