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Real estate: Housing prices dropped by 0.7% in euro zone and 0.3% in EU in fourth quarter

The housing price index dropped in quarter four, 2013 by 0,7% in the euro area and by 0.3% in EU, compared to the previous 3 months, according to data published by Eurostat on Thursday.Among EU states, the most important increases of the housing index was registered in Latvia (2.7%), Estonia and Lithuania (both with 2.6%) and Ireland (2.5%), while the most significant decline was in Hungary (-1.8%), Spain (-1.3%), Denmark and Italy (both with -1.2%).


Among EU member states, the most important increases of the housing price index were recorded in Estonia (15.6%), Latvia (7.9%) and Sweden (7%), while the most significant decline was in Croatia (-14.4%), Cyprus (-9.4%) and Spain (-6.3%).


In Romania the index dropped in quarter four by 0.7% after a decline of 2.4% in the previous three months.For the whole year, the housing price index dropped in quarter two, 2013 by 1.4% in the euro area and by 0.1% in EU.


Among EU member states the most important increase of the housing index was recorded in Estonia (15.6%), Latvia (7.9%) and Sweden (7%) while the most significant decline was in Croatia (-14.4%), Cyprus (-9.4%) and Spain (=6.3%). In Romania the index grew in quarter four 2013 by 0.2% after an advance of 0.8% in quarter three.
