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Real estate : 2012, the most stable crisis year for apartment sale price

The average sale price for old and new apartments dropped last year by 1.3% from 991 euro/square meters at the beginning of the year to 978 euro at the end of December. The towns with the highest drops were Constanta, Cluj Napoca and Pitesti.


In point of the evolution of apartment prices 2012 was the most stable year since the beginning of the crisis. According to the index calculated by www.imobiliare.ro the average price requested for new and old apartments calculated at national level dropped by 1.3% over 12 months. This is the lowest dropping margin in the apartment segment since 1008. In comparison, in 2011, prices dropped by 4%, the site mentions.


Constanta ranks first in the top of price drops at national level, with minus 7.6%, the average price being 856 euro/ square meter at the end of the year. Old apartments were 7.3% cheaper last year, with 854 euro/sq.m., while new apartments recorded a drop of 8.7%.


Ploiesti ranks second with a price drop of 6.3% at 816 euro/sq.m. In Cluj Napoca the drop was 5.5% at 896 euro. The claims made by owners of old apartments dropped by 1.4% to 966 euro/sq.m, while the decrease of the new house segment was 8.8% to 825 euro.


The capital city ranks fourth the index showing 1138 euro/ sq.m. at the end of 2012, 3.5% less than in 2011. Prices for old apartments dropped by 4.3% at 1,046 euro/sq.m., while the decline of residential units was bigger , of 7.2%.


In Timisoara old and new apartments were 3.1% cheaper at 785 euro/sq.m., while in Iasi the average price dropped by 3%.


In Brasov prices for apartments were constant, with a variation of only 0.2%, at 857 euro/sq.m. Apartments in old block of flats were 1.3% cheaper at 844 euro/sq.m. House in residential units appreciated by 3%, reaching 923 euro/sq.m.

