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Supplementary tax on natural monopoly in electricity to be applied on February 1, 2013

The tax on the natural monopoly will be applied to operators in the field of electric power and methane gas starting on February 1, 2013 and will additionally bring 257.52 million lei in 2013 and 295.7 million lei in 2014 to the state budget, according to the draft of the Government ordinance on taking some measures meant to levy a supplementary tax on the activities of a natural monopoly character allowed by the state, which was published by the Ministry of Public Finance on Monday.

The value of the tax is 0.45 lei/MWh and is to be applied to the energy for which one pays the prices corresponding to the services of carrying electric power or natural gas and 1.25 lei MWh to the energy for which one pays the prices corresponding to the services of distributing electric energy or natural gas. The supplementary tax will be included in the prices used by the companies working in the field of electric energy and natural gas. The tax on the natural monopolies in electricity is to be applied till December 31, 2014.

The above-mentioned tax will not be paid by the operators distributing electric energy or natural gas that have a number of clients below 100,000.

According to the draft of the norm setting document, in case that the electric power or natural gas are invoiced to a consumer without considering the distribution system (consumers connected directly to the system carrying electric power or natural gas), the value of the tax on the natural monopolies is 1.7 lei/MWh. The same value is applied in the case of the consumers that exclusively pay prices for services of distributing electric power or natural gas.

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration will manage the tax imposed on the operators in the field of electric energy and methane gas.
