Trade: Young Romanians spend most on clothes and accessories in Eastern EU (study)
Young Romanians, aged between 14 and 25, spend on the average 33 euros/ month of clothes and accessories, a lot over the average of the other Eastern and Central European countries. When asked about the origin of the money 76% have the lowest answer rate in the category “part or full time jobs”, according to an Erste Group study presented at a conference on Tuesday by Dana Demetrian, BCR Retail and Private Banking vice-president.
According to the document, the Czechs and Slovaks allocate 21 euros for clothes, footwear and accessories, the Hungarians 17 euros, Croatians -22 euros and Serbs 18 euros. Moreover, Romania has, except for Austria, the highest number of young people aged 17-19 who own a smart phone. When asked when the money comes from young Romanians have the lowest answer rate for the category “part or full time jobs”- 76%, while Czechs have 99%, Austrians 98%, Slovaks and Croatians 97% and Hungarians 82%.
According to Erste studies, the main financial education source of young Romanians is the family -95%, while school holds 9% and banks only 5%. The study was made in the first semester of 2015, by face to face interview, in all countries where Erste is present. In Romania the study was made based on 800 interviews.
According to the study, 29% of Romanians who save money they do it for their children’s future, while 48% declared the intention to do it in the near future, over the European average of 25% and under the world average of 34%. The number of people who save for their children is rising by 5% compared to last year. According to Dana Demetrian, parents save 41 euros / month for their children for their studies or in order to access credits later.