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Tourism: Over two thirds of the Romanians go on holiday this summer

Over two thirds of the Romanians (77%) stated that they go on holiday this summer and 21% have not decided yet, according to a market research regarding holiday habits of the Romanians for this year, as compared to 2016.

As regards destination, half of the Romanians prefer to stay in the country, the others choose destinations abroad. The preferred  Romanian region is represented by the littoral.

According to the study, money is not the main criterion for the choice of a holiday – only 25% take into consideration price, while 41% of those who answered state that the landscape and the touristic objectives are more important. As compared to 2016, the budget is the same for half of the Romanians. Approximately one third  (32%) said that they allocated more money for the holiday of this year. Concretely, 37% have a budget between 502 and 1,000 euro and 15% planned to spend between 1,001 and 2,000 euro. There is a percentage of 28% of the interviewees who confess that they afford 500 euro, which is lower than the minimum salary at the level of the economy.

The habits of the Romanians regarding the holiday changed over the last years in a good way. There are still elements of consistency which depend on financial restrictions – frequency, allocated budget as well as conservative behaviour of the Romanians – destination, cash payment or family holiday. The results show us a growth this year against 2016 but the market is far from reaching its potential’ Corina Cimpoca, senior consultant and founder of MKOR Consulting, company which made the  market research.

As regards the holiday, a third of the Romanians go to a new destination in 2017, while the rest go to a place they visited at least one time. Out of the latter, an important number of 33% stated they had goe at least four times or more to the chosen destination this year. 3 star hotels are the option for 47% of the Romanians who took part in the market study. As a period, 39% said that the holiday will last between 4 and 6 days, and 37% between 7 and 9 days.

The gap between going by train and going by car grew considerably  the rate being 10% to 50%. A percentage of 28% use the plane. The commissions of the tourist agencies and the fixed programmes determined 60% of the interviewed Romanians to plan their holidays themselves. Only 40% used the services of the tourist agencies for this summer.

As general behaviour, 31% of the Romanians stated that they go on holiday once a year  and 36% twice a year.

The company says that the study was made between 8 -14 May in an online questionnaire applied to a sample  nationally representative of 1,155 people.
