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Tonny Lybek (IMF) : The draft of the law for the reform of health has to be drawn up by the end of June

The Romanian authorities will draw up the draft of the law regarding the reform in health by the end of June, the representative of IMF to Romania and Bulgaria, Tonny Lybek said. The IMF official showed that Romania allocates insufficient sums of money to health, as a percentage of GDP, by comparison to the average at European level, but on the other hand they do not manage to increase the budgetary income over 31 – 32% of the GDP.


The law of health was withdrawn from public debate at the beginning of the year. The UDMR leaders stated several times that they do not want that the new law of health be applied in 2012, an electoral year, as the major changes generated by the new system could be wrongly interpreted. Lybek insisted that beyond the fiscal adjustment and the increase of European funds absorption, Romania has to continue the structural reforms, especially as foreign shocks are not excluded.


