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The Romanians are the last in the EU for the daily consumption of fruit and vegetables

Over two thirds of the Romanians aged over 15 (65.1%)do not consume daily fruit and vegetables, which makes them be last in the EU at this chapter, shows a study published on Friday by the European Statistics Office (Eurostat) which relies on the data of 2014.

Close to the Romanians are the Bulgarians, more than half of the population of the neighbouring country (58.6%) stated that they did not consume fruit and vegetables daily. At the other end, champions in the EU for the daily consumption of fruits and vegetables are the Greeks ( 30.1% of the population), followed by the Croatians (27.5%) and the Slovenians (27%).

At the same time, in the EU more than a third of the population (34.4%) do not consume daily vegetables and fruits, while less than 15% (14.1%) consume at least five portions every day. Among the member states, the share of those who consume at least five portions of vegetables and fruit every day is the highest in the UK (33.1%) and the lowest in Romania (3.5%) and Bulgaria (4.4%).

Regular consumption of fruit and vegetables is considered an important element of a healthy and balanced diet. The consumption of fruits and vegetables is influenced by sex and the level of education, a degree of higher education being met among those who consume at least five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. For example, in Romania only 2.7% of those with low education level consume at least five portions of vegetables and fruit every day, against 5.5% in the case of those with high level of education.
