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Telecom.IT: Romania is second in the world for the number of infected computers with viruses

Romania is second in the world after India as regards the number of computers infected with viruses, a press release of Bitdefender shows, which quotes the Quickscan data, the security scanner of the company which identifies the informatic active threats by the checking of the critical areas in the computers. According to the quoted source, the highest number of infected computers is in India (the infection rate is 14.48%), Romania (11.55%9, the US (5.43%), France (7.47%). The statistics show only infections on computers which have a security solution installed – paid or for free.

In the world, according to the document, at least one out of ten computers equipped with antivirus solution is infected with viruses. ‘The test made in the first half of the year shows that on average of 11.6% of the computers scanned with Bitdefender QuickScan or its application for the desktop – 60 Second Virus Scanner – are infected with at least a type of dangerous software. The study shows that the infected devices have a variety of operationg systems, from the old version of Windows, which can no longer be updated (similar to Windows 2000, which finished its life cycle in July 2010) up to Windows 8 – the most recent version of the operating system of Microsoft’ the document says.

According to him, the number of infections found on each platform is proportional to the share on the market of each Windows edition. ‘In less than 10 years the quantity of dangerous software increased from random infectons to ore than 145 million known threats, a rate of 40,000 viruses per day. This can put a huge pressure on the antivirus solutions and increases the probability of infections in the case the antivirus and the operating system are not regularly updated. Because of that, a second opinion obtained by an online scanning could identify the security incidents before effects are produced on the users’ Catalin Cosoi, Chief Security Strategist, Bitdefender.

The data show that 9.28% of the computers which run Windows 2000 are infected.

‘Windows XP which will end its lifecycle next year in April, is still used massively and it has a rate of infection of 12.8% of the scanned systems. Going to new operating systems of Microsoft 11.47% of the computers running Windows 7 and another security solution were found infected. On the contrary, only 4.59% of the machines with Windows 8 have been found with viruses’ Bitdefender says.

