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Non-resident tourists spent 5.634 billion lei in 2015

The number of non-resident tourists who checked in with Romanian hotels and boarding houses was 2.231 million; they spent an aggregate of 5.634 billion lei, i.e. an average of 2,525 lei per person, informs a release from the National Institute of statistics (INS) on Thursday. 

The main reason for non-resident tourists' coming to Romania was business, participation in congresses, conferences, courses, fairs and exhibitions (55.9 pct of the total number of non-resident tourists). This category of visitors accounts for 59.5 percent of the total expenditures. 

Private travels were the second reason for the non-resident tourists' stay in Romania (44.1 percent of the total number), with vacation trips accounting for the major share of 62 percent. Trips for private purposes include travels for holidays, shopping, sports and cultural events, visits to friends and relatives, medical treatment, religion, transit and other activities. 

Of the total spending for business, accommodation expenses account for the highest share - 53.3 percent, with boarding with breakfast representing the overwhelming preference (90.2 percent). 

Spending by non-resident tourists in restaurants and bars accounted for 16.4 percent, while spending for shopping represented 12.7 percent of the total. Of the latter category, expenses for food and drinks had a share of 38.4 percent, followed by expenses for buying gifts and souvenirs, with 35.4 percent. 

Spending with car rentals accounted for 61 percent of the total transport spending, while spending for access to amusement parks, fairs, casinos, slot machine halls was 50.2 percent of the total expenditure for recreation. 

Most tourists came to Romania by plane (77.8 percent of the total), 12.5 percent came by their personal car, followed by those who arrived by coaches and buses (8.7 percent), and other means (train, river craft, rented cars, motorcycles, etc.) - 1 percent. 

The foreign tourists' main reason for stay in Romania in Q4 2015 was represented by businesses, participation in congresses, conferences, lectures, fairs and exhibitions (57.9 percent of the total number of non-resident tourists), and their expenses accounted for 54.8 percent of the total. 

The second reason for non-resident tourists coming to Romania were private trips (42.1 percent of the total), with holiday trips standing at 63 percent of the total. 

Of the total business expenditures in Q4, 2015, accommodation expenditures accounted for 50.8 percent, accommodation with breakfast included being by far the preferred option (88.4 percent). 

Expenditures of non-resident tourists in restaurants and bars stood at 15.9 percent and shopping expenditures were 13 percent. Of the total expenditure for shopping, the presents and souvenirs represented 37.5 percent, followed by the purchase of food and beverage with 35.3 percent. Car rentals accounted for 59.8 percent of the total expenditure for transport, while expenses for access to amusement parks, fairs, casinos, slot machines halls were 73.6 percent of the total expenditure for recreation. 

Out of the total non-resident tourists who arrived in Romania in Q4 2015, a share of 47.9 percent had their stay organised by travel agencies, and 29.5 percent organised their trip by themselves. 

The main means of transportation used by non-resident tourists arriving in Romania was the plane (78.5 percent of the total number of tourists), followed by personal car - 11.6 percent, coaches and buses - 9.4 percent and other means of transportation (train, river craft, car rentals, motorcycles etc.) - 0.5 percent.
