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Healthcare: Cegedim: the drop on the pharma market could reach 1.5% this year

The Romanian pharma market could drop down to 1.5% this year, according to the general manager of Cegedim Romania, Petru Craciun who shows that a coming back on growth next year depends on how generous the compensation list is, if not, the sector will go down. The potential for decrease is even higher than our prognosis. It could be between 0 and 1.5%, showed Craciun at ZF Pharma and Health Summit. The basic scenario advanced by Cegedim Romania for this year shows a drop of 0.3%.


Cegedim keeps the prognosis of decrease as the conditions for sale of drugs in Romania came back on growth in Q2 by 6% (5% in euro) reaching 3 billion lei(680 million euro) after three quarters in a row of decrease.

For 2015 it depends on several things, but one of the most important is the final form of the compensation list. If it is generous, the prognosis will be on the increase, if it is less generous, as it could happen, it could experience some drop’ Craciun said.
