Agriculture : The production of wine is higher by 10-15% this year against 2016
The production of wine of Romania will be 10-15% higher this year against last year, around the quantity of 3.6 million hectolitre and from the point of view of quality, 2017 will be an exceptional one, considers the manager of the National Employer of Vineyard and Wine, Ovidiu Gheorrghe.
As regards the production of wine, the representative of the employers’ association estimates for this year a growth at national level by 10 -15% against the production of 2016 up to a total of 3.6 million hectolitre of wine.
‘By comparison to the previous year the frost at the end of April and the hail did not affect significant surfaces of vineyards at national level and there was no pressure from the point of view of pests’ Ovidiu Gheorghe says.
According to the data PNVV, the biggest growth of production of grapes for wine is estimated in Muntenia, Dealu Mare area with almost 20% higher this year against the previous year as well as in Dobrogea where the estimates show a plus of 15-20%. Similarly the vineyards in Moldova,the Cotnari area and the areas of Iasi/Vaslui and Bohotin estimate they will have a production of grapes higher with 10% while the south area (Vrancea) where the production can be 15% higher by comparison to 2016.
The wine producers estimate for the region of Transilvania and that of Banat a growth of production of grapes with almost 10% higher in 2017 than in 2016.
For the region of Oltenia, Segarcea, the growth is 15% in Samburesti and Mehedinti a plus of 10-15% and in the area of Corcova the present estimates show a production of grapes higher by 10% this year as compared to last year.
This year, the picking of grapes started earlier, around 15August in the area Mehedinti (Oltenia)and on 20 August it started in the region of Banat but in Oltenia respectively Corcova and Samburesti. In the region of Moldova the Cotroceni area the picking started around 25 August and in the south area (Vrancea) around 28 August. Similarly, in the area Segarcea (Oltenia) and in Dobrogea the picking stared on the first day of September and on 4 September in the area Iasi/Vaslui. The picking of grapes will start later in Transilvania around 15-20 September 2017.
Last year Romania obtained a production of wine of 3.267 million hectolitres with 10% lower than in 2015 and against 2014 when there were 3.75 million hectolitres and against 2013 when there was a production of 5.11 hectolitres according to the data published on the site of the ministry of agriculture.
Romania exported last year in the countries in the European Union and outside the union 12,900 tons of wine, but it imported almost four times more 50,200 tons. The exports of wine brought 20.5 million euros while the value of the imports of wine was 47.5 million euro in 2016, MADR shows.
According to the data published in spring by the International Organisation of Vineyard and Wine (OIV) the bad weather of many regions was the main reason for the production of wine getting lower by 3% in 2016 up to 267 million hectolitres. With a production of 50.9 million hectolitres Italy confirmed its position as the biggest producer of wine, followed by France (43.5 million) and Spain (39.3 million).
The annual consumption of wine in Romania is 25 litres per inhabitant and represents only half of the consumption in the developed countries which is over 50 litres/inhabitant.