Agriculture: Romsilva will capitalize 3,500 tons of forest fruit in 2015
Romsilva, the National Forest Company will capitalize about 3,500 tons of forest fruit in 2015 by means of its subordinated forest departments, 30-40% less than last year, because of extreme weather conditions - heavy rainfalls and grail in the month of June in Alba -Valea Ariesului, Cluj, Sibiu and Hunedoara -Retezat.
The gathering of forest fruit began in July at the level of forest departments. 800 tons were bought, of which 290 tons of blueberries, 210 tons of raspberries, 20 tons of blackberries. The campaign continues as long as weather conditions allow it, a Romsilva press release shows.
Forest fruit are sold mainly abroad, based on contracts concluded with foreign partners (mostly from the European Community - Germany, Austria, Holland, Belgium and Hungary) or through traditional partners who ensure product delivery to foreign consumers. Forest fruit are sold refrigerated, frozen, in various types of packing, prices varying according to these elements.
Forest department representatives discovered the dropping interest of their partners for fresh fruit. Romsilva intends to purchase refrigerating equipment to preserve the goods requested by the foreign market. The company obtained ISO quality certificates for BIO products, had attractive prices and has promoted a dynamic and efficient marketing able to identify real sales markets. These are just some of the company priorities in the sector of forest fruit.
At present Romsilva administers 3.2 million ha of forest fund as state property, which represents 49% of the national forest fund.