Transgaz signed with EBRD a memorandum regarding the cooperation and support of investments in the energy sector
The national gas transporter Transgaz and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed the Memorandum for Agreement regarding the cooperation and support of investments in the energy sector in Romania.
Transgaz has a Development Plan for ten years where the FID projects (Final Investment Decision) and A-FID (Advace Final investment Decision) are worth 1.25billion euro.
On the part of Transgaz, the memorandum for agreement was signed by Ion Sterian, general manager and on the part of EBRD by Alain Pilloux, vice chairman. ‘On the basis of Transgaz necessities, EBRD will take in consideration the participation to the financing of the projects through fusion of loan instruments or participants depending on the situation. The objectives and/or the purpose of the Programme of Investments will be: extension, modernization and replacement of the Romanian domestic network, to increase the accessibility of end users to gas networks, the improvement of the safety in supplying and diversifying the energy sources; collaboration în projects of research and development for ‘ the ecologisation of gas’ to pass to cleaner gas systems’ informed Transgaz.
Between Transgaz and EBRD there is cooperation as regards the financing of the project BRUA. EBRD offered Transgaz a loan of 278 million lei for this project. Similarly, Transgaz and EBRD were partners in the development of the acquisition of a package o shares of the Greek transport operator, DESFA. EBRD and the Transgas subsidiary VMTG collaborates for the project Ungheni- Chisinau on the environment and social part.