The Chinese society, interested to reopen the coal quarry in Tebea
A Chinese state company showed its interest in reopening the surface quarry at the Tebea Exploitation, the prefect of Hunedoara Sorin Vasilescu announced, adding that the company in China will make a study to find out the quantity of coal existing in the area.
The Hunedoara prefect, Sorin Vasilescu announced on Monday in a press conference that they had in Bucharest a meeting with the representatives of a state company from China interested in the coal in Tebea. “Coal has a calory capacity of 2,200 – 3,000 of Gcal/ton, lower than the hard coal which could be exploited with lower costs of investment, as it is exploited underground. A state company in China is interested in an investment to be liquidated in a longer period of time, and its representatives consider they have a study to find out if in the area there is the quantity we presented” the Hunedoara prefect said.
According to him, in a month or two the representatives of the Chinese company would come to the Hunedoara county to find out more information and to see the quarry. Closed down in 2006, as it was considered that the ore was almost depleted, the Tebea quarry functioned without interruption since 1864 and starting with the years ’70 it got to the administration of the National Company of Coal (CNH) Petrosani. From CNH, the quarry got to the society for closing down mines Conversmin and now it could go to the Chinese who wanted to exploit the ore.