ROMATOM : horizontal nuclear industry can ensure 19,000 work places for the implementation of the projects for units 3 and 4 in CNE Cernavoda
The horizontal nuclear industry in Romania can ensure a significant number of workplaces estimated at19,000 at the moment of the implementation of the projects for unit 3 and 4 in CNE Cernavoda, appreciates the representatives of the Romanian Atomic Forum – Romatom in a press release.
As an association of the nuclear industry in Romania affiliated to the forum of the European nuclear industry ROMATOM sent to the ministry of energy a series of proposals and comments regarding the project of Energy Strategy of Romania 2018 – 2020 in the process of public consulting.
The proposals have in view the appropriate reflection of the factors with possible impact on the development on nuclear energy in Romania correlated with the necessities of energy present and future, ROMATOM recommends that,in a future stage, to make a plan of institutional measures which should establish the concrete framework for the support of the investments, capital drawing, development of some balanced mechanisms on the energy market for energy sources with reduced emissions of carbon.
In the context of the sustainable economic growth ROMATOM considers as necessary the inclusion in the strategy of concrete measures for the support and development of the horizontal nuclear industry in Romania,offering to the industry a long-term perspective. Many of the horizontal industries come in the group of top technologies, generating the added value over the average of the economy and have potential to include other industries on the chain of added value.
ROMATOM considers that the proposals are in the largest majority applicable to the whole industry and research in the Romanian energy appreciating that it is necessary to draw all industrial associations and professionalones in the energy industry in the finalisation of ‘ The energy strategy of Romania 2018 – 2030 with the perspective of 2050’.