Premier Ponta dismissed Petru Lificiu from ANRE
Premier Victor Ponta dismissed Petru Lificiu from the position of vice-chairman with position of subsecretary of state of the Authority for Regulation in Energy, according to a decision published on Wednesday in the Official Gazette. Ponta singed the decision on Tuesday.
Premier Ponta stated on last Thursday in Iasi that he released the vicechairman ANRE due to the statements made by the latter when referring to the increase by 5% of the energy price.
" I don't like the statements of some officials who refer to the change of price in electricity. It is a difficult period, and the reporting is important" the premier said.
Petru Lificiu stated on Wednesday in a conference Finmedia that the increase of electricity price by 5% at the end of June 2012 won't have a major impact on the bill.
"A growth of 5% of electricity price at the end of the month is nothing. Namely, it means we should not leave the light on when we go to work" Lificiu said.
The price of electricity will be increased by 5% by the end of June 2012 for the population and for industrial users governmental sources stated for Agerpress.
At the same time, the Romanian authorities have to apply the calendar of eliminating regulated prices for household users starting with 2013 by 2017.
As regards the price of natural gas, it will grow starting 2013.