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CEZ : Romania lost its potential to export electricity. There are no investments and a clear strategy

Romania lost its potential as electricity exporter as they did not invest in production units and there is no strategic concept, and they are falling, the head of CEZ Romania Jan Veskrna said on Wednesday. «  It is eight years since I came here and I still haven’t seen a strategic concep (in electricity domain). I think Romania is already falling and lost its potential to be electricity exporter » Veskrna said, the head of the company owned by the Czech group of utilities CEZ.

According to him,many units of production of electricity in Romania have problems with the lack of investments, they have technologies of the 60’s and in order to have funds for investments they should increase the regulated prices. He gave the example of nuclear reactors 3 and 4 of the unit in Cernavoda which have been delayed for years. CEZ was one of the companies which gave up the project, at the end of 2010. CEZ got on the Romanian electricity market in 2005 and invested 2.2 billion euro in Romania out of which half in wind parks. The Czech company has integrated operations of production, distribution and supply of electricity. Veskrna added that if Romania presents feasable projects to investors «  the money will come ». « If you are serious-minded, Romania will be repaid. Without regulationsa and good laws, the investors will allocate their money for other projects » Veskrna said.

The last governments of Romania tried to make a strategy of electricity on long term. The various projects of this strategy showed that Romania could be a significant exporter of electricity in the region. On the other hand, the state-owned electricity companies did not build any new electricity production unit. The only new units of the last 20 years are the thermal power stations of 860 MW of OMV Petrom and the wind parks and solar parks owned by foreign companies mainly.

