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Trade: Bulgaria and Romania, the most reduced use of e-commerce in the EU

More than half (60%) of the adults in the EU aged between 16 and 7 used the internet to order goods and services in 2018, the lowest percentage being in Bulgaria, Romania and southern Italy, show the data published on Friday by the Eurostat ( the European Office for Statistics).

Among the NUTS 2 regions ( the roster of statistics territorial units) in the EU, the  highest percentage of citizens who had online acquisitions was in regions of Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, each of them with at least three quarters of the adults using the internet to order goods and services.This percentage is over 85% in Utrecht (the Netherlands), 87% in Ovre Norrland (Sweden) and 86% in Hoevdstaden (Denmark).

In contrast, the lowest percentage of citizens who had online acquisitions was registered in the regions Severen Tsentralen (14%) of Bulgaria North-East (18%) and South-East (19%) of Romania and Yuzhen tsentralen (19%) in Bulgaria.

As regards the level of tertiary education, the highest proportion in the EU regions was in 2019 in Sostines (Lithuania) and the lowest in North-East (Romania) as at the level of the EU 40.3%of the citizens aged 30 -34 finalised their tertiary education last year, as a result they reached the target of 40% in the plan ‘ Europe 2020’.

In the majority of the EU member states, the regions of the capital cities had the highest percentage of the level of tertiary education, with the exception of Belgium ( where the highest percentage is the Flemish Brabant),Spain (Pais Vasco) Croatia (Jadranska Hrvatska), Italy (Emilia-Romagna) and the Netherland (Utrecht).

In 2019, the proportion of the level of tertiary education was equal or over the target of 0% in 101 of the 237 NUTS2 regions for which the data are available, and among those there are nine which surpass 60%; Sostines in Lithuania (70,4%), Warszawski sto?eczny in Poland (69,2%) and Hovedstaden in Denmark (64,2%), followed by Utrecht in Holland (64,1%), and the regions of the capitals  Stockholm in Sweden (63,4%), Île-de-France in France (63,2%), Noord-Holland in Holland (62,1%), Bratislavský kraj in Slovakia (62,1%) and  Prague in the Czech Republic (60,9%).

In contrast, four out of the six regions in the EU where the level of tertiary education is under 20% are in Romania (north-east – 15.5%, south-Muntenia (16.3%) south-east (17.8%) and south-west Oltenia (18.6%), one in Bulgaria Severozapaden (17.1%) and one in Italy Calabria (19.9%).
