Telecom.IT: Romania unveils updated plan for broadband infrastructure
Romania's Ministry of information society (MSI) published on its website the 'National plan for the development of NGN infrastructure', the September version. The new revised document has integrated European Commission's recommendations and proposals and comments received from over 15 associations, foundations and private companies in the ICT sector as part of the process of public consultation launched by MSI on 9 July. The main objective of this plan is to define and NGN infrastructure planning policy and administrative measures that can stimulate the development of the new generation broadband and the penetration of high-speed access according to the level asummed in Romania's Digital Agenda for Europe 2020.
The purpose of this action plan is to estimate investment needs in next generation broadband infrastructure and determine the needed interventions in the market.
The document describes the minimum rights and obligations in line with the proposals made at EU level to encourage the development of electronic communications networks and high-speed coordination between economy sectors. The initiative also addresses a number of measures to encourage the development of new generation networks, including ways to reduce costs related to the development of new generations of electronic communications networks. (