OIPA estimates crops up to 60 percent higher in 2013
The wheat crops this year has registered a 32 percent advance from last year, the barley has registered a 40 percent increase and rape crops have grown 60 percent, according to the estimations of the 'Cereals and Byproducts' Inter-professional Organisation (OIPA).
Out of the total wheat quantity of approximately 7 million tonnes, around 2.5 million tonnes represent a very good volume for bread manufacture, according to the OIPA estimations, two million tonnes nearing the optimum volume and the difference consists of fodder wheat. According to the Agriculture Ministry data, Romania last year obtained 4.93 million tonnes of total wheat, wheat-like and rye crops and wheat alone represented 4.78 million tonnes.
Last week, OIPA President Aurel Popescu told Agerpres that the processors would not have to resort to imports to secure the domestic consumption amounting to 3.3 million tonnes. Moreover, as far as the wheat price is concerned, the OIPA head underscored it had the lowest level over the past three years, standing at 680 lei per tonne for the bread manufacturing wheat and between 620 and 650 lei per tonne for the fodder wheat.
Concerning the corn and sun-flower crops, OIPA estimates a 30-40 percent advance for this year, compared with 2012, but the final data will only be known at the end of the crop picking.
According to the semi-final data released in July by the National Institute for Statistics (INS), the agriculture sector production declined 21.9 percent last year compared with the previous year, in the conditions in which the crops diminished 30.6 percent, the animal production dropped 0.6 percent and the agricultural services declined 4.8 percent.
The agricultural sector production value amounted to 64.25 billion lei (current prices), out of which 40.16 billion lei represented the value of crops, 23.55 billion lei - the animal production and 52.5 million lei - the agricultural services.