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Infrastructure: Average goods train speed grew by 43% in 2020; passenger train speed went down by 0.6%

The average commercial speed of goods trains (km/h) grew last year by 42.9%, while the speed of passenger trains dropped by 0.6%, according to data centralized by the National Statistics Institute.


The distance covered daily by goods trains (km/zi) went up by 6.1% and the gross average weight of goods trains (tons/train) went up by 5.3%.


On the other hand, the number of train cars loaded (thousand cars) dropped by 20.4%, while loaded cars coming from abroad (thousand cars) dropped by 13.2%. The average distance covered by train engines used for the transport of goods (km/day) dropped by 10.3% compared to 2019.


In railroad transport, the volume of goods recorded a 15.5% drop against the previous year, caused by negative evolution of all components. 49.671 million tons of goods were transported, 83.5% of which in national transport.

Compared to 2019, passenger railway transport recorded a drop of 27.5% for the number of people transported and by 37% for the distances covered.

