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AgriMin Constantin: 9.3 billion euro to go towards integration of agricultural production

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Daniel Constantin has stated on Friday during a press conference in Alba Iulia (northwest of Bucharest), that 9.3 billion euro, European and state budget funds, are to go towards integration of agricultural production.

'My concern is not only to export the grain, the maize, they are the champions of exports, but to integrate production. That is why the next 9.3 billion euro coming from European and state budget funds on Rural Development will go towards integration of production, of priority being those who, beside their vegetal production farm they want to build a zootechnical production farm, those who beside their vegetal production farm they want to have the storage part done too. We still need storage capacity', said the Agriculture Minister.

Daniel Constantin has mentioned that presently Romania has the capacity to store approximately 18 million tons of cereal, storage space for 3 of those 18 million tons being done in the past three years by use of European funds.

The Minister also said that 2013 was a record year in what regards grain production, 7.3 million tons being harvested. Constantin stated that in 2014 the trend is also very good.

'In the first four months we have a deficit, but a very small deficit, of 1.9 million euro, compared to a deficit in 2013, after the first four months, of over 300 million euro. So, at this rate, I believe that 2014 will also show a positive balance', said Daniel Constantin.
