Transgaz starts works at natural gas compressor stations within BRUA
Director General of Transgaz Ion Stere signed the order to start the works at the natural gas compressor stations in Podisor, Bibesti and Jupa within "the National Gas Transmission System on the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria corridor (BRUA) - Phase 1" project, according to a release of the company.
According to the release, each station will be equipped with two compressor aggregates (an operational one and another one for spare) and will have the technical capacity to ensure the bi-directional flow of natural gas.
The contract for the execution of the three natural gas compressor stations was won by a consortium of Romanian companies, led by INSPET SA Ploiesti. The contract is worth 288.7 million lei, plus the VAT.
According to the release, the strategic importance of the project determined the European Union to get involved in funding the engineering of the three compressor stations, through a grant worth 1,519,342 euro, representing 50 percent of the estimated eligible costs.
In addition to the three compression stations, the BRUA Phase 1 project also includes the construction of the Podisor-Recas natural gas transmission pipeline, 479-kilometer long, with a diameter of 32 "(Dn 800) and a design pressure of 63 bar.
The overall estimated value for Phase 1 is worth 478.6 million euro. The EU covers 179.3 million euro through a second grant, which represents 40 percent of the estimated eligible costs. When Phase I is completed, it will ensure the natural gas flow towards: Hungary, though Horia-Csanadpalota interconnector of 1.75 billion Standard Metro Cub (Smc)/year (200,000 Smc/h), at 40 bar at the border; Bulgaria, through the Giurgiu - Ruse interconnector of 1.5 billion Smc / year (171,000 smc/h) at 30 bar at the border.
The estimated deadline for completion is 31 December 2019.