Total natural gas demand at 6.8 ml MWh in Q1 2014
The National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) estimates that demand for natural gas in Q1 2014 will amount to 6.826 million MWh, of which 5.188 million MWh will be covered from domestic production and 1.638 million MWh from imports.
According to data published on the ANRE website, the average cost of the mix of domestic and imported natural gas at the intake of the distribution system (storage and transport services included) is estimated at 102.34 lei / MWh.
The average import price considered by ANRE for the period January - March 2014 is of 420 US dollars per 1,000 cubic metres, respectively 39.81 US dollars / MWh. The cost of imported natural gas was calculated for the exchange rate effective on December 12, 2013 of 3.2332 lei / dollar, resulting in a price of imported natural gas of 128.72 lei / MWh.
The marketing price for import natural gas that will be extracted from storage facilities to cover consumption needs was established at 146.15 lei / MWh.
For non-household customers, heating energy producers excepted, the purchase price of natural gas from domestic production is 72 lei / MWh in Q1 2014. The marketing price for domestic output gas removed from storage facilities is 80.37 lei / MWh and the average unit cost for gas transport was set at 12.4 lei / Mwh.