The price of energy on the stock exchange has increased significantly, with more than 150% in April 2021 against the previous year
The price of electricity on the spot market of the stock Exchange OPCOM ( the market for the next day – PZU) had an average of 309 lei/MWh in April 2021, with 150.6% more than the price registered during the same month of last year, lnamely 123 lei/MWh, according to the monthly report posted on the site of the stock exchange operator.
The total value of tradings was 765.7 million lei, up by 218% against April 2020 ( 240.2 million lei).
Similarly, the volume of tradings increased by 26% up to 2,438.233MWh.
The PZU market share was 51.9% up by 4.2%. In other words, over half of the net consumption of electricity of the country was traded on PZU in April.
The spot market of OPCOM recorded 367 participants, out of whom active were 293.
The PZU is a part of the wholesale market of electricity where solid hourly tradings are made with electricity with delivery the next day.
Starting with 2014, the PZU in Romania has been coupled with the similar markets in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.