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Romgaz will concentrate in the following period on the identification of the onshore ores and  energy diversification

Romgaz consolidates its position not only at local level but at regional level as well,and will concentrate on two major objectives: the identification of onshore ores which should replace the present exploitations and energy diversification,stated on Monday the general manager of Romgaz Adrian Volintiru during the ‘The Day of Energy in Europe’ event organised by the European Commission in Brussels.

According to a press release of the company, the head of Romgaz spoke about the importance of the company in the context of the regional development and about the  important projects which the company has in mind for the period to come. Similarly, he referred to the important investments for the area of electricity production, investments which could position the company as a competitive player on the electricity market in Romania and even in the neighbouring countries.

Technological innovation will continue to have a major impact on this industry both from the point of view of exploitation of the present reserves and the discovery of new resources fossil fuels and renewable, and their exploitation,he added.

Regional cooperation is essential to justify the best solutions and projects especially in the area of energy security. The assurance of interconnectivity offers the possibility of the development of sustainable partnerships between the EU member states. In this sense, in the debate in Brussels there was mention of the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austrian corridor. The Phase 1 (BRUA- Phase 1) where Romania is part,  project supported by the European Commission,important at national and regional level as it leads to the diversification of the gas sources.

The Conference at high level gathered more than 100 interested parties from the European institutions,national administrations,energy companies and energo-intensive ones, Academia,experts, journalists form EU-11, to encourage the exchange of ideas between the participants and to consolidate a regional energy platform.

Romgaz is the biggest  producer and main supplier of natural gas in Romania. The company is listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange (LSE). Main shareholder is the Romanian state with a share of 70%.
