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Romanian Energy Centre to open an office in Brusssels

The professional association Romanian Energy Centre (CRE) which started its activity on September 2011 will have an office in Brussels beginning with April 25, its aim being to influence the European energy policy so as to promote and support investments in the national integrated energy system both regionally and in Europe, according to a press release.

Opening the office in Brussels will be followed on April 26 by a round table on the theme 'Financial solutions and options for future energy projects,' hosted by Leopold Hotel in Brussels.

CRE, whose chairman is Stelian Gal Dr Eng, represents a professional organisation for the Romanian energy companies. It is led and funded by its member companies, mainly those in the field of electrical power, and operates to provide the best conditions for competition, so as to provide the development, economic growth and a good standard of living in Romania. CRE will facilitate the development and consolidation of relations between the representatives of Romanian energy and the European institutions in Brussels.

CRE will be lobbying at the European institutions in Brussels for the benefit and interest of the Romanian energy sector, that of the CRE members included, to represent their interest in relation to the European institutions and other international organisations and associations in this relevant area in Brussels, and to promote the participation of institutions, Romanian state-owned and private energy companies in the decisional process of the European institutions.

The members of this Romanian professional association in the field of energy are the state-owned companies Electrica Company, Hidroelectrica Company, Nuclearelectrica Company, Termoelectrica Company, Transelectrica Company, OPCOM, together with the private companies active in the field of energy Emon Electric Company, Energobit, Eximprod Company, IMA-Partners, Retrasib-Sibiu, Monsson Invest Group Company, Tractebel Engineering, the Romanian Merchandise Stock Exchange.

