Renewable energy projects reached capacity of 4,704 MW at the end of August
Renewable energy projects reached a total capacity of 4,704 MW at the end of August, according to data released by the state-owned operator of Romania's transmission grid Transelectrica.
Thus, the wind projects connected to the grid had a capacity of 2,800 MW, the capacity of solar parks was 1,234 MW, micro-hydro power plants represented 570 MW and biomass power plants had an aggregate capacity of 100 MW.
At the end of July, renewable energy production capacities totalled 4,664 MW, and at the end of last year they were 4,349 MW.
Producers of renewable energy receive subsidies in the form of green certificates billed on all consumers, households included, and which are entered separately in the monthly electricity bill.
Romania undertook to have by 2020 a share of 24 percent of its final gross energy consumption covered from renewable sources, but the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) announced that Romania had already attained this target on January 1, 2014 so that consequently the mandatory green energy acquisition share remained at 11.1 percent in 2014, just as in 2013, compared to 15 percent, as it should have been this year.
To temper the rise of electricity bills, the Government decided on July 1, 2013 to defer the assignment of green certificates for the period 2017-2020.