Patres: Romania steps backwards regarding renewable energy
Romania steps backwards regarding renewable energy, to be present with the European Commission with a target, assumed in the project Energy Strategy of only 27.9% at the horizon of 2030 much under the level of 32% established for the whole European Union.
PATRES – the Organisation of Energy Producers of Renewable Sources in Romania says that, on the basis of long-term Strategy for decarbonisation of the EU economy until 2050, Europe will have to give up fossile fuel in the generation of energy and rely, as much as 80% on ESRE.
The project of Energy Strategy of Romania 2018 – 2030 with the perspective of 2050 and the National Integrated Plan for Energy and Climatic Change (PNIESC) elaborated by the ministry of energy does not offer the necessary importance to a sector which has a more important role, especially in the context where Europe acts for the reduction of dependence on fossile fuel.
The employers’ organization which represents the interests of 102 producers of energy from renewable sources with total installed power of approximately 1200 MW and investments in the energy sector of approximately 1.8 billion euro says that Romania should aim at a target of at least 35% taking into consideration the abundance of renewable source on the territory of our country. To be noted is the fact that, at present, in new thermal units, renewable energy is cheaper than energy from polluting sources.
PATRES drew the attention of the authorities that projects and capacities of renewable energy proposed in the project of Energy Strategy will ensure that Romania will reach in 2030 a renewable quota of almost 26-27% much under the level of 32% established for the whole of the European Union.
The European Commission published on 28 November, the long-term strategy for the decarbonisation of the EU economy, a strategic vision for prosperous, modern, competitive economy from the point of view of the impact on the climate until 2050 – ‘ A clean planet for everybody’. The priority objective is the complete decarbonisation of the sector of electricity production and Romania as a European country has to follow it.
Thus, until 2050, Europe will have to give up completely the fossile fuel in the generation of energy and to rely, 80% on E-SRE.
PATRES addressed the ministry of energy with the proposals /recommendations among which: the establishment and reaching of a target for renewable energy in Romania of at least 35% until 2030 in the context where the complete decarbonisation of the EU economy is proposed even over 80% renewable source in 2050; the gradual elimination of units on coal from energy mix until 2030, maximum 2035, and the transition from coal to renewable to be made with electrical units with gas as raw material especially taking into consideration the resources from the Black Sea and their degree of flexibility; the promotion of the solutions for storage for the balance and reduction of consumption.