Gov't contemplating modifying mineral royalties
The Government is contemplating modifying the mineral royalties levied on corporations, in the period immediately ahead, given that Romania's mineral royalties are five times lower than the European averages, Prime Minister Victor Ponta told Pro TV commercial television channel in an interview aired on Sunday.
He said he is dissatisfied with the fact that the average mineral royalties in Romania are 4 percent, compared with European averages of 20 percent.
About energy projects, Ponta said he is in favour of the unit 3 and unit 4 nuclear reactors being built for the Cernavoda nuclear-power plant despite the protests of the environmental watchdogs, saying that a decision to this end will be taken this year.
'In full compliance with all the safety and security standards, particularly in the wake of the Fukushima disaster, my opinion is that we should continue the project. I am very sensitive to the opposition of the environmental watchdogs, but I am also sensitive to Romania's energy independence and exports, both of which are essential,' Ponta explained.