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Tourism: Romania has three new tourist resorts of local interest in Mehedinti and Bihor counties

Bala (Mehedinti county - photo), Beius and Madaras (Bihor county) were attested as tourist resorts of local interest, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Business announced.

Until now 52 tourist resorts of national interest and 90 resorts of local interest have been attested in Romania.


Bala commune, located in a hilly area, is an old settlement, attested by documents since Mircea the Old's reign, in 1415. Thanks to its mezothermal, slightly sulfurous and of sapropelic mud, it obtained the statute of balneal resort four years ago. Bala is also part of the National Route of Historic Towns and Resorts in Romania.


Beius is part of the territory called “Beius Land”, which was attested by documents 750 years ago. The locality has natural cure factors, such as geothermal water and bio-climate.


Madaras commune is known for its subsoil rich in geothermal water. Its concentration of minerals and temperature are factors offering beneficial effects in treating certain affections.
