Tourism: Eurostat: Romania is the 15th in the EU according to the capacity of touristic accommodation, after Hungary and Bulgaria
Romania is the 15th in the EU depending on the touristic capacity with 326,098 beds available in hotels and other accommodation entitites in 2016, being after Hungary and Bulgaria,show the data published on Monday by the European Office for Statistics Eurostat, according to whom the first are France, Italy and Spain.
The number of beds available in accommodation entitites in Romania increased slightly against the level of 325,841 in 2015 but even so Romania dropped after Bulgaria which had an increase from 322,465 to 328,364 beds.
Hungary had last year 446,400 beds in hotels and other types of accommodation entitites up from 440,449 beds in 2015.
At the level of the EU the number of beds at the disposal of the tourists was in 2015 31,17 million,year for which we have the most recent data.
The first in the EU in 2015 and 2016 is France with 5,133 million beds followed by Italy with 4,94 beds in 2016 (4,87 million in 2015) and Spain with 3,515 million beds (3,526 million in 2015).