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CURS survey : 21% of the electors consider that incomes should be the main issue to be mainly approached by the government

Income is considered the main issue to be approached with priority by the government, 21% of the electors mentioning it, according to a CURS survey published on Sunday.

Asked which are the main issues of the country which should be approached with priority by the government, 21% of the interviewees spoke about income (pensions, salaries) living standard, 10% - health, hospitals, 10% - corruption, fraud, special pensions, 10% - inflation, prices, 9%- economy, industry, 8%- work places, 6% - education, 4% - roads, infrastructure, highways, 3% - citizen safety, drugs, 3% - war, defence, 2% political class, leadership, 1% - agriculture, 5% - others, and 8% do not know the answer.

About the direction the locality they live in takes in the future, 47% of the interviewees stated that it was rather a good direction, 46% - in a direction rather wrong, and 7% do not know or did not answer.

In the case of local elections, PSD is the favorite, with 35% of respondents

The PSD-PNL alliance would get more than half of the votes of the Romanians in the European Parliament, while the PSD is the favorite in the local elections, according to a CURS omnibus survey, carried out between March 19-28.

To the question of which party or alliance they will vote with in the June 9 European Parliament elections, 53% of those surveyed answered the PSD-PNL Alliance. The United Right Alliance (USR-PMP-FD) is far behind, according to the survey, with a share of 14%. AUR is tied, also with 14%.

SOS Romania and UDMR also pass the electoral threshold, being credited with 5% of voting intentions.

In the case of local elections, PSD is the favorite, with 35% of respondents declaring that they will vote with the Social Democrats. PNL ranks second, with 21% of voting intentions. The third place on the podium is shared by AUR and Alian?a Dreapta United?, with an electoral share of 13%. UDMR is credited with 5% of local voting intentions, the other parties being below the electoral threshold.

The survey was made at national level between 19 and 28 March on a sample of 1,067 interviewees, aged 18 and over. The maximum error margin at the level of the whole sample is +/-3.1% at a trust level of 95%.

Data collection was done through ‘face-to-face’ interview, at the interviewees’ home and the validation of the sample on the basis of the latest data supplied by the National Institute for Statistics (INS).
